Tuesday 26 June 2012

Visit To The Employment Officer

 These Two photo's are one from this year in the garden, the second one taken last year in a day trip to Bournemouth.


Visit To The Employment Officer.

I got dropped off at the corner and slowly made my way to entrance A at the jobcentre in Taunton like I had been told to. There I got a shock! There were two security officers waiting to assist me. One of them checked that my name was on the list,  I got escorted in by the other one. I couldn't sit down on the chair that the security officer offered me, this was due to it being very low and having no arms ( I have been having real problems getting up from low chairs), so the guard went off into one of the empty offices and got me a office chair. He was very cheerful about this and I had a feeling he enjoyed looking after me.

I only had to wait for a few minutes though and I was called to a desk. I was laughing when I got to the desk as the security guard had to help me up off the chair (good job he was there).

When the employment officer had settled me down, she went all through my details and checked my C.V. and told me what other details were needed.  We then had a talk about what I wanted to do and gave me some advice on voluntary work. She advised me the voluntary work I wanted to do wasn't right for me at that moment due to my disability of my mobility problem.
She then asked me what was it that I really wanted to do and said that maybe an appointment with the careers office would be helpful. So an appointment was made for next Monday (2 July) at 2.00pm. I was told that they would give me a skills check and suggest some jobs or voluntary work that I would be able to do.
An appointment was made to see her again on the 16 July and then I was escorted out by the security guard who was quite chatty and said "good luck".

I will update my blog now twice a week on things that are going on in my life. Next week is going to be very busy for  Lucy and I, so I may update things more than that.  xxxxx


  1. I'm glad it went ok Mandy and let's hope something positive comes out of it. It sounds as if the people there care about helping you.

    Love the photos, especially the one at home.

    Susan XXX

  2. Hi Susan, I got the feeling if you were willing to help yourself they would go out of the way to give you the help and support that you need.

  3. I've got to agree with Susan, the garden photo is by far the best! Perhaps you'll now consent to taking a few more...

  4. Both pictures are definitely very nice. Hope to see more pictures in the future!
